Request Accreditation

To be accredited to Rome Food Excel, simply fill in all the fields of the following form.
All pre-accredited professionals will be sent the ticket in the days prior to the opening of the event.

  • Stampa

    By press we mean all people enrolled in the National Order of Journalists or collaborators without a card who work for a newspaper. To receive accreditation and be able to participate in Rome Food Excel, you must fill in all the fields shown in the form opposite. The accreditation confirmation is described by the Organizer. Therefore, accreditation requests will be evaluated and confirmed via e-mail only if they comply with the required requirements.

  • Blogger

    If you are a blogger or an influencer specialized in the food sector and you want to take part in Rome Food Excel, request your accreditation and experience firsthand a truly unique and innovative event, of great international resonance, surrounded by professionals and experts in the sector from every part of Italy and from abroad. Thanks to your accreditation, you will also have the opportunity to get in touch with other professionals like you in an informal but highly stimulating atmosphere.

  • Vlogger

    The accreditation of professionals belonging to the “New Media” categories, in particular Bloggers and Vloggers, is subject to verification of consistency between the topics covered on the reference site / blog and the subject of the event. Therefore, we invite you to apply for accreditation only if you specialize in the Food Industry sector, a fundamental requirement for participating in the event and being able to meet new realities in a truly engaging atmosphere.

  • Photographers

    If you are a professional photographer, do not miss the opportunity to capture the most salient moments of Rome Food Excel. An event of this magnitude really deserves to be shared with everyone: give visibility to the event and don’t miss the opportunity to get to know the most important companies in the sector. Also in this case, the Organizer reserves the right to conduct further investigations to establish the actual professional activity of the applicant, as well as the right to limit accreditation or to revoke it entirely.